Best Places to Fish in Alabama: Guntersville Lake
March 1, 2020
Ott DeFoe: Best Frog Color Fast Fact
March 15, 2020Posted by: BassProShops1Source
NITRO boats Elite Pro Josh Bertrand
Every professional bass angler’s tournament morning checklist is different, and it may be helpful to you to see how a NITRO boats Elite pro gets ready for a day of competitive fishing. Here’s a list of the top ten—but not all—items I check off the list before heading out to fish.
1. Caffeine (usually coffee).
2. Healthy, energy-packed breakfast.
3. Make sure all batteries are fully charged on boat.
4. Make sure gas and oil are completely full on boat.
5. Launch boat 1 hour before takeoff to make sure everything is functioning properly.
6. Organize fishing rods and pull out any rods I plan to use during the day.
7. Make sure all hooks are sharp and fresh.
8. Prep any extra hard bait boxes or soft bait bags I may use during the day and make them easily accessible.
9. Organize cull tags, scale, and balance beam to be ready for fish management.
10. Look at Garmin GPS & Sonar mapping and visualize the first run of the day.